Friday, August 10, 2012

Nsii: First Steps

The second Metropolis hatched, she ran straight for the kitchen and emptied an entire pot of honey! She got a slice of cheese to go with it, then ran to the carrot garden to do her minutely lawnmowing, stopping to play with the top while she waited for the carrots to grow back. She's completely fascinated with the water pump.

She was the only one enjoying the sunshine, though, for the boys had all gone for the elevator instead and were moseying about on the upper levels. At least they were learning English...

...all of the boys except for Isshoku, who had snatched up the pot of coffee when I wasn't looking and, beverage in hand, went to raid the fridge! He sorted through it until he found himself a pot of honey and ran off with it, leaving the coffee behind.

I checked back up on the other males, who were still where I left them. Remry was chasing a ball back and forth while Kaito and Pyro took a nap...but Energy had completely disappeared!

I quickly located him; he had taken the teleporter and was proudly holding what appeared to be a flower in his hand. He started helping himself to the lemon garden after that, so I just let him be.

Back in the kitchen, Metropolis had finally taken a nap, curling up beside a rather lethargic Isshoku. Only moments earlier, they'd all been having a little "we've just discovered the fridge; quick, milk it for all it's worth before somebody catches us" party. 

After a moment of rest, they headed back to the outdoors, where Pyro, Remry, and Metropolis played the delightful Nornish game of "find a carrot and toss it back and forth before someone eats it". Metropolis won and promptly emptied the carrot garden.

Nsii: Preparing

Protip: Pronounced "see"

My first mission for this new world was to prepare it for its future inhabitants.

...and by prepare, I apparently meant "scatter My Little Pony toys around for Norns to find".

These are going to be the geekiest Norns that ever lived. ...where was I? Oh, right, preparations.

~How Nsii Works~
  1. It is a closely monitored world with mostly independent Norns. I give the Norns some guidance--discouraging elevator spamming, helping them learn how to use vehicles--but the primary goal here is "survival of the fittest".
  2. Their first world is Creatures 1 to Docking Station.
  3. There are 5 default breeds, each one selected randomly. Deep Norns are ignored because they cannot die of old age. When a certain breed goes extinct in Nsii, a new one is introduced.
  4. Toys are scattered around the world for the Norns to find.
  5. The population capacity is set at  40.
  6. To prevent a surplus of unhatched eggs, only 1 female Norn of breeding age is allowed to live in the world at a time. Female offspring are exported at the age of Child, and are brought back in the order of their export once the current Alpha female becomes Ancient. 
  7. Infertile and immortal Norns are exported.

While you were reading the guidelines of Nsii, the Norn breeds were determined! Here they are...

~Norn Breeds of Nsii~
  1. Konnichiwa (Panda; that's the only one I have sprites for)
  2. C1 to DS Santa 
  3. Dodgy
  4. Magma
  5. Element Air
  6.  City
Our Konnichiwa Norn, contrary to my expectations, ended up being a boy! I led him straight to his new world, but I'm a mite concerned about how he's going to fare without being surrounded with bamboo in the Meso.

Leaving him to his own devices, I went back to get the Air Norn. His tummy is purple, yes; this is because I do not have the Bengal Norn sprites necessary to view him properly. It's strictly a cosmetic thing, though. 

I hopped back to the Genetics Kit to fetch the female, a City Norn. City Norns grow up rather quickly and die young--I'm worried she might not have successors! But her breed does love company, which is a good thing if you're going to have a world with 40 occupants. I've worked with a City Norn before, and they're carrot lawnmowers and wicked curious!
Since she would age the fastest, I hatched her last, after the other three males.

~The Norns of Nsii~
Generation I
  1. Kaito/Konnichiwa
  2. Energy/Air
  3. Isshoku/Dodgy
  4. Pyro/Magma
  5. Remry/Santa
  6. Metropolis/City

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Introductory Post

I figured I needed a place to put my Docking Station posts without cluttering up my personal blog.

The Worlds
...that I'll be covering.

The first DS world I created, Zoidberg only contains two breeds--ChiChi and Fimbul. The Norns are closely monitored, but the world only contains a few third-party Agents and no additional rooms. The naming theme is Astrology.

As in, "Breeding". This world contains one of every single breed of Norn I have installed. Originally, there were an even number of boys and girls, but of course that went out the window when they started breeding...they end up with some interesting hybrids! Unfortunately, they want to do nothing but just stand around and use the elevator all day long...


Acronym of for "Norns sunt intra insulam", Latin for "Norns are within the island". By island, we mean Creatures 2 to Docking Station. A monitored Wolfing Run started for the blog.